how to install neofetch in Ubuntu or any Linux distro

neofetch is a command line tool used for showing the operating system logo in ASCII letters ,as well as it shows the system hardware details. such as the CPU brand name, current ram status ,GPU brand name and installed icon pack name, and also which theme is installed in it.

To install neofetch via the command line interface, first, you have to open the terminal app from the applications menu.

then, first, update the packages if you didn’t update recently.

to update and upgrade the packages at once.

linux package upgrade command
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade

the to install neofetch write below command.

sudo apt install neofetch.
sudo apt install neofetch

after installation, you can see the magic of neofetch in the terminal by typing this command.


also if you want more customization or don’t want show particular information you can do it via getting the list of more commands for neofetch by this command

neofetch --help

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