Does ‘Avatar: The Way Of Water’ have a post credits scene

James Cameron directed ‘Avatar: The Way of Water’, the sequel to the legendary film Avatar, just landed in the theaters this Friday after the long wait. The movie sequel continues the epic tale set over a decade after events in 2009’s Original Avatar.

The sequel follows the story of Jake Sully( Sam Worthington) with his partner Neytiri (Zoe Saldana) and their kids as they continue to face survival threats.

You might be curious if there are any mid or post-credits scenes to the more than 3 hours long movie. Unfortunately No, Avatar: The Way Of Water does not have any mid or post-credits scenes.

However, the movie does leave some plots hanging to be filled likely in the sequel Avatar 3, to be released in December 2024. The third sequel is currently rumored to be titled Avatar: The Seed Bearer, which was short back-to-back with The Way Of Water.

Cameron has been saying that he has a road map for five Avatar movies in total, where the 4th & 5th installments are to be in 2026 and 2028 respectively. But its not guaranteed that we are getting the last two installments for sure. Cameron signaled that the 4th and 5th movies might never be completed if the Way Of Water and its sequel don’t make the profitable money.

Avatar: The Way of Water certainly gives us the fresh visual treat by pushing the technical boundaries of cinema and it really needs to be seen in 3D for the heartiest enjoyment.

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