How Does The Popular ChatGPT Really Work? Replacement For Google?

ChatGPT is being spoken about a lot nowadays. So, just what is this revolutionary AI technology that has gained so much fame that it is being considered as a possible replacement for top search engines like Google?

In this article, we will tell you all about this, answering the most discussed questions and all that you can get with the help of this coming AI technology.

What exactly is the ChatGPT?

Simply put, ChatGPT is an AI chatbot. The ChatGPT(Generative Pre-Trained Transformer) is a type of artificial language processing robot. ChatGPT was developed in 2018 and released as a prototype on November 30, 2022 by the AI research company OpenAI with Elon Musk as one of its founders. The San Francisco-based AI research company is also the founder and creator of the DALL-E 2, an AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language.

ChatGPT interface

ChatGPT is an AI model used for natural language processing tasks, like translation, summarization and text generation. ChatGPT was made to generate human-like text and converse with the user like a human. The ChatGPT was made by using GPT3, one of the most powerful language processing AI models to date.

Try Out the ChatGPT here

How was the ChatGPT created?

ChatGPT was created with the help of the language processing model GPT3. OpenAI compiled a large dataset of text, which was used to train the model. Then the model was designed to process this text and learn the patterns and structures of the language used in the database. This training allowed the model to generate coherent and realistic text by predicting the next word in a sequence based on the context.

GPT was created using Deep Learning, a type of machine learning which involves training artificial neural networks on large datasets. Deep Learning allowed the neural network in the GPT to learn patterns and structures in a large dataset of text. The network then learns to generate text with minimum error between the generated text and the target text. This is done by mastering how to adjust values of weights and biases of the connections between neurons in the network.

ChatGPT working

The process of training and optimization allowed the GPT model to be able to generate highly coherent text that mirrors human-written text.

Is ChatGPT free?

The prototype version of ChatGPT was released to the public on November 30, 2022. OpenAI has yet to release an app of the GPT for either Google Play Store for Android or App Store for iOS.

Yes, the ChatGPT is free to use during OpenAI’s feedback period. OpenAI wishes to better improve the end product as an outcome of the feedback.

How long will the ChatGPT be free?

Sam Altman when asked if the ChatGPT will remain free forever replied, ” We will have to monetize it somehow at some point. The compute costs are eye-watering.”

A lot of language models like the ChatGPT need extensive amounts of data and significant resources to run. So, it is no uncommon for companies to charge for access to these types of models. OpenAI may also chose to charge for the product as part of a larger product or service in the future.

Will ChatGPT replace Google?

You may have been reading news articles that talk about ChatGPT replacing Google as a search engine recently. Since ChatGPT has gone viral for almost a month now, there have been arguments saying why would someone Google anything, crawl through numerous sites and then get the answer if they can get the correct answer directly from the ChatGPT.

google CEO Sundar Pichai

Yes, the ChatGPT does a great job at being creative, but it could often be factually incorrect, says the CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman himself. So, No, AI chatbots like ChatGPT or any other chatbots will not replace Google, at least for a while.

One must keep in mind that Google the “search engine” isn’t just a search engine like it was before. It is also not the case that Google does not have the AI tools or products to fight other artificial intelligence like the ChatGPT, in fact Google has its teeth deep into AI. The laMDA, Google’s own chatbot is one such example, which gained a lot of attention last year.

The reason why Google is not implementing such AI in its search is that the machine learning model doesn’t work well with its business model. Chatbots like the ChatGPT could affect Google’s search business, ultimately affecting its ads business which makes most of the company’s profits. Not just that, there are also downsides to using AI for search as it may very well lead to misinformation by giving answers like a human if it is opened to the internet.

We asked the ChatGPT itself the same question if it will replace Google. This is what the AI chatbot had to say, “It is unlikely that ChatGPT (a variant of the Generative Pre-trained Transformer, or GPT, language model developed by OpenAI) will replace Google as a search engine or a company. ChatGPT is a language model that can generate human-like text based on a given prompt or context, but it is not designed to be a search engine or to perform tasks that a search engine like Google is capable of. Google is a comprehensive technology company that offers a wide range of products and services, including search, advertising, cloud computing, and more.”

Is it possible to integrate ChatGPT with other chatbot frameworks or platforms?

ChatGPT is not a standalone chatbot platform, but it could potentially be integrated with other chatbot frameworks or platforms as a means of generating responses to user inputs.

For example, ChatGPT could be used to generate responses to user inputs in a chatbot that is built using a framework such as Dialogflow or Botpress. The ChatGPT model could be integrated with the chatbot framework and used to generate responses to user inputs based on the context of the conversation and the information that has been provided by the user.

How might the rise of OpenAI impact the way people answer questions in everyday life?

The development and advancement of AI and machine learning technologies such as OpenAI have the potential to impact many aspects of society, including the way that people answer questions.

It is possible that the availability of AI tools like the OpenAI may make it easier for people to find answers to questions and may change the way that people seek out and access information. Additionally, the increasing use of AI in a variety of applications may lead to the development of new tools and technologies for answering questions and solving problems. However, it is important to note that the impact of AI will depend on how it is used and implemented.

What are some interesting conversations with the ChatGPT?

ChatGPT can be and is being used to solve problems, write assignments, or simply have a general chat with. People often ask ChatGPT all sorts of questions and it has quite the interesting answers. You can try asking some of these questions to the GPT yourself:

  • “What is the meaning of life?”
  • “Do you believe in aliens?”
  • “What is the history of the universe?”
  • “What is the future of artificial intelligence?”

Take a look at these screenshots where GPT answers some interesting questions:

What is the meaning of life?
How do you counter procrastination?
Is the present education system really helping?

You can try asking whatever questions you have in mind to the ChatGPT except of course adult content, and you will be amazed by how interesting and humanlike the answers are.

We hope this post was helpful.

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Also Read: Microsoft Teams up with OpenAI

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