How to install PuTTY in ubuntu


PuTTY is an open-source SSH and Telnet client it was originally developed for Windows, but now it is available for other supported OS like ubuntu or we can say Debian-based machines. Since it is open source, it has gained popularity among Linux users as well.

PuTTY supports a wide range of protocols, including serial connection, rlogin, SFTP, SCP, Telnet, and SSH.


a ubuntu based machine

superuser privileges

install PuTTY in ubuntu

step 1 : add universe repository

first, you have to add the universe repository in ubuntu, because PuTTY is available in the universe repository in newer versions you won’t need to install this repository but for older versions or ubuntu servers you need to install it manually

open the terminal by pressing ctrl + alt + T and add a new repository by running :

sudo add-apt-repository universe

step 2: update the packages

then update your packages by running:

sudo apt update

type your sudo password to start the process.

step 3: install putty

install PuTTY by running this command

sudo apt install -y putty

step 4: verify PuTTY installation

and then verify that you have installed PuTTY correctly or not by running the version check command :

putty --version

to run PuTTY you can run the command ” putty ” directly to launch the GUI of PuTTY or you can search PuTTY in the apps list.

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