Different Types of Hacking

There are many different types of hacking, and the specific methods used can vary depending on the goals of the hacker and the nature of the target system or network.  Lets see some common types of hacking 

Password Cracking

This involves using special software or techniques to guess or “crack” the password of an account or system.

Hackers may use dictionary attacks, which try a large number of common passwords, or they may use more sophisticated methods like rainbow tables or brute force attacks, which try every possible combination of characters.


This involves tricking people into giving away sensitive information, such as login credentials or financial data, by pretending to be a trustworthy entity.

Hackers may send fake emails or text messages or create fake websites that look legitimate in order to lure victims into giving away sensitive information.

Social Engineering

This involves manipulating people into divulging sensitive information or performing actions that may compromise security.

Hackers may use a variety of tactics, such as pretending to be someone else, using fear or urgency to persuade the victim, or leveraging trust or authority.

Malware Injection

This involves using malware, such as viruses, worms, or Trojans, to gain access to or control over a system.

Hackers may use malware to steal sensitive information, to disrupt or disable systems, or to gain a foothold from which to launch further attacks.

Zero-Day Exploit

This involves using a previously unknown vulnerability in a system or application to gain unauthorized access.

Zero-day attack takes place when hackers exploit the flaw before developers have a chance to address it.