Why is my Android mobile so slow? ways to speed up your Android phone

Is your Android smartphone running slowly? Everyone has faced this situation at least one no matter how good or new their phone is. Some of the reasons why your phone might be slowing down are:

  • Not enough storage space
  • Running apps in background
  • Poor or low-performing battery
  • Slow internet connection
  • Using an older operating system
  • Excess Cached data
  • Overheating of phone

Here we tell you the best ways to speed up your Android phone easily.

Restart The Device

Simply hold the power button of your phone until the boot or restart option appears. This is one of the most basic and easiest method to speed up a slowly running phone. Resetting your phone allows phone’s RAM to get cleared out which cleans all scattered bits of computer codes.

Check The Battery

Defective or old battery in a phone can be a major reason your phone is slowing down. A phone older than 3 years generally faces battery issues, but that doesn’t mean you should buy a new phone. Your can check your phone’s battery health with apps like AccuBattery which allow to check your battery’s overall health and help you fix it.

Clear some phone storage

Try clearing some storage space from your phone. All the storage occupied by your photos, videos, documents, etc. weigh down the phone’s CPU slowing your phone. You can try clearing your phone with the default cleaner apps in your phone. Apps like Files by Google also help you clear storage data. You can also try storing your precious photo and videos on external storage devices like pen drives, allowing you more storage space.

Clear your Cache data

A lot of basic issues in your apps or your overall phone’s health are caused by Cached data that keeps piling up in the apps storage. Clearing the Cached data helps solve those issues and also speed up your phone. You can clear your Cached data with the device’s default cleaner app or going to settings and clearing it up from the device’s storage space.

Disable Live Wallpaper

Even though you might like a fancy live wallpaper on you phone, it might majorly affect your phone’s performance, especially on a phone with a small RAM and storage. The delay you face when you have to switch between apps can also be caused by a heavy battery consuming wallpaper. Using a more normal wallpaper might be a bit boring but its worth it considering it helps speed up your phone.

Keep your phone updated

Software updates like the OS update or a simple regular update all contain bug fixes, performance improvements and of course new features. Updating your phone helps especially when you have an older operating system which slows down the overall performance of the phone. You can check for software updates on your phone from About Phone in your settings.

Bottom Line

If your phone is still running slow after doing all of the above tricks, then you might have to perform a Factory Reset on your phone. Use this options as the last resort as it erases all your data from the device from the visible to all the minor file changes. A factory reset will restore your phone to its original software settings.

The best way to speed up your phone is to follow all the above tips and trick at least once a month or two.

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