Why Spotify Is Better Than Other Music Apps for Android

Spotify is without a doubt better than all other music apps available for android. It is the best options to listen songs for free with ads. Spotify has over 40 millions songs to chose from. In addition it allows users to create their own playlist and publish to the public for free. Spotify also has a massive number of podcasts to listen across all categories.

Here we have a detailed overview of the Spotify app, how it is different from other music apps and why it the best music app for android.

What makes Spotify stand out?

Its true that feature wise, a lot of music apps have evened out, including Spotify. But what made Spotify stand out than the other apps?

  • Discovery through data: Spotify leverages the user’s app usage data and personalizes it for the user to give them a better listening and discovering experience. Spotify analyses the user’s listening habits and creates customized recommendation, including personalized playlists and music suggestions based on genres and artists.
  • Streaming: Music apps like Apple Music makes you buy the songs that you want to listen to your favorite music, this is called a purchasing model. Spotify however has a superior model than purchasing and that is Streaming. In streaming, there’s no need to purchase every song you like, you can just stream unlimited music for free.
  • The Discover Weekly Feature: One of the most popular feature in Spotify is the ‘Discover Weekly’ playlist. Based on your recent listening habits, this playlist is refreshed every Monday with 30 new songs. If you are looking for something more expansive, Spotify has a whole Discover tab which includes playlists based on your recent listening by a selected number of artists you’d possibly like.

More noteworthy feature in Spotify include:

  • Sleep Timer
  • Crossfade between songs
  • Private Sessions
  • Use the same account on different devices
  • Share songs and playlists
  • Spotify wrapped playlist

You can make the best out of Spotify by subscribing to their premium plans which lets to listen to music non-stop and even download it on your Android.

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